Participate in Scientific Dialogue

  • Generate patient relevant outcomes & quality of life data
  • Conference abstracts, posters & presentations
  • Patient preference studie
  • Patient guidelines
  • Patient formats at scientific conferences

Participate in Scientific Dialogue

Patient engagement can inform education, tools, planning, and policy as well as enhance service delivery and governance like care processes or clinical pathways and so improve the quality of healthcare.
(Bombard Y. et al. Implementation Science volume 13, Article number: 98 (2018), https://implementationscience. z#Abs1)

Patient and public involvement is recognized as a key component of clinical practice guideline development with important implications for guideline implementability. It also raises the question of whether guidelines developed without such input are acceptable for use. And therefore it should be considered an essential element of trustworthy guideline development for purposes of development and funding.
(Armstrong M. J. et al. Implementation Science volume 13, Article number: 55 (2018), https://implementationscience.

Patients involvement in design and set up is an accepted success factor for clinical trials and there is an ongoing discussion on the benefit of having patients input even in translational biomedical research.
(Boenink M. et al. Nanoethics. 2018; 12(3): 181–197)